Pharen is a Lisp that compiles to PHP, with macros, lexical closures, and more parentheses.
(fn greet-person (name)
(. "Hello " name "!"))
(prn (greet-person "visitor"))
; => Hello visitor!
pharen.repl> (map (* 2) [1 2 3 4])
[2 4 6 8]
(fn factorial (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (factorial (dec n)))))
pharen.repl> ({:foo "bar" 123 :456} "foo")
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Features (click to expand)
Lisp-style macros allow manipulation of code as lists at compile time, enabling the creation of new special forms.
(defmacro when (condition &body)
'(if ~condition
Everything is lexically scoped, unlike in PHP there is no `use` keyword and manual management of captured variables.
(fn make-greeter (greeting)
(lambda (name)
(. greeting " " name)))
((make-greeter "Hello") "World!")
; => Hello World!
OOP and Namespace Integration
Work with or create new objects and namespaces, making integration into existing codebases possible. Here is an example derived from the Laravel docs.
(ns laravel-app.pharen)
(:: Route (get "user/{name}"
(lambda ()
(where "name" "[A-Za-z]+")